Visit the website to see the “Big-Bags” exhibition and the first developments

A temporary exhibition called “Big-Bags” is paving the way for work on the Parc du Peuple de l’herbe project by displaying information on a very novel medium – 28 construction-material carry bags. Designed by the Conseil général based on an idea suggested by Agence TER and project scenographer Nez Haut, it presents the main features of the future park using three themes:the site today – the project – tomorrow’s park.

This natural area is a significant development opportunity that will greatly enhance the environment for the residents of Carrières.

Don’t miss the free guided tours on Saturday 14 September
at 2.30pm and 4.00pm

To register, call: +33 (0)1 39 07 71 89

Where to meet: the small square at the corner of Rue Marcel Touboul and Chemin de Beauregard in Carrières-sous-Poissy
