Ecological Monitoring News

Since 2014, ECOREM has regularly monitored the entirety of Life+ SeineCityPark’s projects. The last monitoring took place in May 2016 and different observations were made.

(Relatively) Rare Bird Species Observed on Sitessuivis-écologiques

The Common Linnet Female, a vulnerable species, and the Northern Wheatear, a near- threatened species, were spotted on Life+’s project’s site. The Common Linnet likes open landscapes with bushes and eats seeds. The Northern Wheatear, a bird that feeds on insects and prefers bare and open spaces, uses the rabbit holes as nesting places.

suivis-écologiques-2Small-Flowered Buttercup Presence in 2016

Ecological monitoring concluded that the Small-Flowered Buttercup, a protected species, is still very present for the Life+ project’s in the Parc du Peuple de l’Herbe’s central zone and along the path between the Park and Ecoport.

Galiotte Pond Rafts Effective

The May 2016 visit revealed the success of the Galiotte Pond rafts. In fact, the tern rafts have hosted more couples than the past year and birds are reproducing on the vegetation raft.


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