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And the Green Heart?

Phase 1 The hedge maintenance contract continues in its first phase with late inter-row grinding planned for the fall. Phase 2 The first design study is going into effect for the second phase of the Coeur vert/ Green Heart, on a 150 ha surface (about 370- acre), in the cities of Triel-sur-Seine and Chanteloup-les-Vignes with […]

New for Eco-Port Project

Soil Study A 2015 campaign to identify soil materials revealed a large heterogeneity of sub soils, most notably those with micro-cavities that will necessitate draining as well as consolidation techniques by using mandrels. The sediments in the port, partly impacted by hydrocarbons, will have to be filtered and sent to an adapted treatment facility. Fauna […]

Live from the Park…

Park Friends Bring the Site to Life On June 20th, the Association des Amis du Parc Départemental du Peuple de l’Herbe des Yvelines (AAPDPHY) organized a nature activity for young students. Fifty kindergarteners and second graders from the city of Carrière-sous-Poissy participated. Using a fun, educational approach, both activity leaders from the Ville Verte association […]

Park ‘s Ecological and Landscape Projects to Finish Soon.

New to the Vieille Ferme’s Pond The finishing touches are underway in the area officially classified as a natural zone of ecological interest for fauna and flora (ZNIEFF). The central part of the Park will be finalized at the beginning of October after installing the outdoor furniture and pedestrianizing the construction-site roadways, which will offer […]

Ecological Monitoring News

Since 2014, ECOREM has regularly monitored the entirety of Life+ SeineCityPark’s projects. The last monitoring took place in May 2016 and different observations were made. (Relatively) Rare Bird Species Observed on Sites The Common Linnet Female, a vulnerable species, and the Northern Wheatear, a near- threatened species, were spotted on Life+’s project’s site. The Common […]